The department of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing plans to offer CBET courses in the field of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing which will be examined internally or by an external Examining body. These courses are anticipated to last duration of 2840 hours which includes 480 hours of industrial attachment(mentorship)
Research, Production and Consultancy services
The department carries out research, production projects and offers consultancy in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Photogrammetric and/or Remote Sensing Project planning, Map creation and Revision using Photogrammetric and/or Remote Sensing methods, Photogrammetric and/or Remote Sensing data Preparation, Processing and Information extraction, Photogrammetric and/or Remote Sensing ground truthing, data/information verification and Validation, image printing ,digital data/information media creation, Photogrammetric and / or Remote Sensing data value additions, preparations/production of image-mosaics, Image-maps, Ortho-images, Ortho-image-mosaics, Ortho-image-maps, Photo/Image control, Photo/Image triangulation, Monoscopic and/or Stereoscopic Control Point selection and transfer, etc.