Mr. Jesse Waithaka. Ag. Director- KISM

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to Kenya Institute of Surveying and Mapping (KISM). The Institute is dedicated to providing high quality technical training in the field of Surveying, Mapping and Printing. KISM is strategically located at Survey of Kenya, off the Thika super highway 12 km from the city center in a secure and serene environment.

KISM is a Centre of Excellence in the Northern Corridor Integration Project (NCIP) involving Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and South Sudan in human resource capacity cluster. It is the only institution in Kenya offering Cartography and Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing at Diploma level. Moving forward KISM intends to embrace the CBET model of learning in order to satisfy the market needs in the landed professions.

As per our Vision and Mission statements, we strive to be a centre of excellence in offering middle level man power under Technical and Vocational Educational and Training (TVET) in the field of surveying, mapping and printing.

KISM is committed to providing quality Technical Training based on: honesty, openness, fairness, respect, hard work, teamwork, competency, accountability and transparency as it strives to meet and exceed its stakeholders’ requirements and expectations.

My administration is committed to providing resources and a conducive environment for KISM to actualize its vision. Technology in the field of Surveying, Mapping and Printing is dynamic hence, KISM strives to be well equipped with the latest technology in the field of Surveying, Cartography, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and Printing.

Unlike majority of TVET institutions that are run by boards of management, KISM operates under the Cabinet Secretary and Principal Secretary; Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning.

Administrative staff under guidance of top management and sectional leadership work seamlessly to offer services that provide a conducive learning environment and ensure that the welfare of students and staff is well catered for.

KISM remains the best place to be for your training needs in the field of Surveying, Mapping and Printing.