Since its inception in 1991, KISM’s purpose was and continues to be, to provide trainees with technical knowledge and skills in the field of Surveying, Mapping and Printing and also to inculcate the right attitude and respect to matters pertaining to land. Technical education is even more relevant in Kenya today as the country strives to become a newly industrialized middle income nation providing a high quality life to its citizen as envisaged in Kenya Vision 2030.
KISM offers fulltime courses for school leavers and short-term courses for capacity building in the field of surveying, mapping and printing. The fulltime courses include 3 years’ diploma and 2 years’ certificate courses. The diploma courses offered in KISM include: Land Surveying, Cartography, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and Map reproduction (Printing) while, certificate courses include: land Surveying and Printing Technology.
KISM believes in providing a trainee -centered environment offering quality instruction, resources and practical skills. We pride ourselves of unique and hardworking members of staff who are not only professionally qualified but also have vast and diverse field work experience. This is due to the fact that all or most of them are officers drawn from the Department of Survey. The students get opportunity to have hands-on learning by use of facilities at Survey of Kenya when there is need. This puts KISM a notch higher than other institutions offering similar courses. Our graduates’ performance in the market attest to the high competence attained at KISM.
I salute all former and current KISM students who have made KISM what it is, you are and continue to be our brand ambassadors.